X Unveils Record-Breaking Engagement Numbers for Olympics, Launches New Ad Features

X, the social media platform, has announced record-breaking engagement numbers for the Olympics, with a global audience tuning in to participate in the vibrant conversation around the monumental Opening Ceremony. According to X, 87% of its users plan to follow the event, making it a critical opportunity for brands to tap into the hype.

To help brands make the most of this opportunity, X has launched a new "Portal to Paris" activation, which highlights all of the Olympics trends and clips in a dedicated space. This centralized hub allows brands to tap into the conversation and advertise alongside trending topics. X's "Trend Genius" ad offering enables brands to hand-select the conversation topics they want to align with, and then deploy pre-programmed creative ads when conversation about these topics reaches a heightened level or velocity on the platform.

The Olympics presents a critical opportunity for X, which has been struggling to win back advertisers who remain wary of placing their promotions in the app. Recent reports suggest that X's overall revenue is down around 50% year-over-year, and has continued to slide since the switch to the X name. As such, X is relying heavily on the Games to boost its ad intake, with the surrounding chatter ideally drawing more advertiser interest.

X's new ad features are designed to provide brands with more opportunities to engage with users during the Olympics. By tapping into the "Portal to Paris" activation, brands can position themselves alongside the most popular Olympics-related content, increasing their visibility and reach. This is particularly important for brands that are looking to capitalize on the Olympics buzz, but may not have the budget to sponsor the event directly.

For social media marketers, the Olympics presents a unique opportunity to tap into a global conversation and drive engagement around their brand. By leveraging X's new ad features and "Portal to Paris" activation, brands can create targeted campaigns that resonate with users and drive real results. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the Olympics provides a platform to reach new audiences and build brand awareness.

As the Olympics continue to captivate audiences around the world, X is poised to be a key player in the conversation. With its record-breaking engagement numbers and new ad features, X is providing brands with the tools they need to succeed in the social media landscape. And with the "Portal to Paris" activation, brands can tap into the Olympics buzz and drive real results for their business.

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