Why use TikTok to sell?

Why use TikTok to sell?

In a few lines, TikTok is:
The most downloaded application in 2021
more than 1.2 billion monthly active users worldwide (end of 2021) and a projection of 1.8 billion by the end of 2022.
It’s an application adored by young people: 42% of TikTok users are between 18 and 24 years old.
More than an hour and a half is spent per day on the application on average
840 billion dollars were spent in the 1st quarter of 2022 on the application
TikTok has somehow become the Instagram of the next generation, with more authentic content. Brands can easily use the platform to reinvent their brand image and reach an audience that is certainly younger but has a certain purchasing power, all thanks to unlimited creativity.

How to sell with TikTok?
Run advertisements
As on all social networks, TikTok allows you to broadcast advertisements. There are in-feed advertisements, namely the standard format, which allows you to broadcast an advertisement in the "For You" feed of users. The advantage of this format is that it displays natively and has a CTA to prompt users to a specific action.
Depending on your advertising budget, you can also use one of the following formats:
Brand Takeover: This video appears as soon as the user opens the app, and the ad runs for one day only.
Top View: In addition to the previous format, the Brand Takeover campaign ad is transformed into an in-feed video.
Branded Effect: TikTok offers many filters and can promote your own.
Hashtag Challenge: As the name suggests, you launch a brand hashtag, supported by the relay of influencers and users must reproduce a choreography!

Our tips for selling on TikTok
-When an organic post performs well, don’t hesitate to promote it, to increase the reach of your content!
-Create original content: between trends, unboxing videos, and challenges, TikTok offers you thousands of possibilities to create content that will allow your account to take off.
-Play on humor and creativity, the idea is to have a person dedicated to the creation of your content, to personify your products, and create a link.
-Use the text to highlight the benefits of your products, the name, or the specificities.
-Do not hesitate to create a hashtag around your brand or your products, so that users can easily include it in their content. You will have UGC very quickly.
To conclude, this seems obvious to us, but consider inserting the link of your site in your biography on TikTok. Users will be able to go there and… proceed to purchase!