Why post on LinkedIn?

Why post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is often seen as the studious and introverted big brother of the social media world. But don't be fooled by its serious looks! When people ask why we should care more about LinkedIn than platforms like Instagram, then we should share some personal experiences.
Each year, at least 60% of people’s income comes directly or indirectly from their LinkedIn connections. This is the network that has the most impact on the results.
And these results are not just due to chance: you are more likely to connect with a recruiter on LinkedIn than elsewhere. Students and recent graduates have understood this well: 8 out of 10 young people use LinkedIn and tend to have a higher income than users of other platforms.
Regarding posted content, many LinkedIn users use the platform to search for relevant business information. LinkedIn drives 50% of social traffic to B2B sites. Also, since there are fewer active users posting content, and more of them primarily looking to build professional relationships, then you have a much better chance of attracting a potential client.
Even for more traditional brands, Forbes predicts that LinkedIn will continue to grow as a must-have platform!

What content to post on your LinkedIn profile?

Just like on Facebook or Twitter, you can post content in your personal profile. There are, however, some differences between LinkedIn and these other platforms. Experiment, try different types of posts, and see what works best for you!

You can write more on LinkedIn than anywhere else: Your posts can be up to 3000 characters. Don't feel like you must use them all, but it does allow you to explain a point in detail.

You can also illustrate your articles with images. The ideal size of an image is 1200 x 627 pixels. Remember that posts on LinkedIn should remain professional. Your visuals must therefore be:
-High quality
-Neutral and professional
Users generally post a few videos on LinkedIn, so it's a good way for you to stand out.
Make sure your videos meet LinkedIn's technical specifications:
Formats: ASF, AVI, FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MKV, QuickTime, and WebM only
Size: minimum 75 KB and maximum 5 GB
Duration: minimum 3 seconds and maximum 10 minutes
As with other types of posts, keep a professional tone and offer serious and polished content. This is what people are on LinkedIn for.