Why integrate TikTok into your advertising strategy?

The TikTok social network created a real tidal wave as soon as it was released and became the most downloaded smartphone application in a very short time. A reason that is more than enough for advertising to become an essential lever of visibility and business for brands and companies. Above all, it is a question of knowing how to tame the TikTok algorithm and exploit it for your communication.
Let's see why to integrate TikTok into its advertising strategy:

1- High efficiency, low competition

TikTok has some great surprises in store for brands and content creators. Its engagement rate is around 70% per month, while 9 out of 10 users visit the app at least once a day. Enough to have an interesting click-through rate.
Added to this addictiveness is still remarkably weak competition from advertisers. This is explained by the fact that the application's advertising platform has only been available since July 2020 in Europe. Advertisers are therefore still rare, which allows you to reach your audience much more easily than on other, older, and completely saturated social networks.
This allows for unique virality: your ads can receive hundreds of thousands of likes in just 24 hours... This is the case with many TikTok videos, designed to be impactful and addictive.
Video is quite simply the preferred format for Internet users, 84% of whom have already made a purchase after watching a video ad

2- Many formats…

TikTok Ads offers a wide range of formats for your advertising campaigns, including:
• Top View videos: They are displayed in full screen, 5 seconds after opening the application, and can last up to one minute. Ideal for reaching your audience every time!
• The Brand Take Over format: It is also displayed in a very visible way, without giving users the possibility to ignore the video. Use it alongside other placements to maximize your brand awareness.
• In-Feed Ads: They sponsor your videos in subscribers' news feed to boost shares, likes, and comments.
• The Hashtag Challenge: A format that is particularly effective for creating engagement, since it offers users the opportunity to create content based on the theme of your advertising campaign!

3-So many marketing possibilities!

On TikTok, you will be able to develop the notoriety of your brand as well as increase the traffic of your site… This also includes boosting the downloads of your application if you have one, or even increasing the views of your advertising videos.