Notoriety on the web massively influences your brand image. On the Internet, it is important to be present on the social networks that concern your target. The more you are visible on these different social networks, the more notoriety you gain. It's a bit like having establishments here and there in different cities. They will all have the same name. On the web, it's the same thing. It is better to have the same name on different social networks. Thus, your audience has no difficulty finding and recognizing your brand and then interacting with you. When registering on a social network or an online service, you start by entering a nickname. This is the case on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but also on forums, tools, and other services on the Internet... In general, for a company, this nickname is the name of your brand. And it can, unfortunately, happen that it is already reserved by another person. This is the whole point of reserving your name on social networks: to be sure to have the same name wherever you are present. My advice: to prevent your name (or your brand) from being used by others, take 10 minutes to reserve it beforehand. It's fast and simple.
How do you make sure your name is still available?
It takes a significant amount of time to check all the social networks you want to use.
So how do you know if a business name is already taken?
As you can imagine, there are indeed tools to make your job easier.
No software to download, no tedious operation to perform.
You just have to go to the sites dedicated to this verification and that's it!
There are many, but I will limit myself to those that we have found relevant.
NameCheckr verifies the availability of a name on the main social networks.
If you don't use a million different social networks, NameCheckr is fine.
Indeed, it only checks the main social networks like YouTube, Flickr, Google, Facebook… You can check your domain name, your preferred nickname, and even brand names.
The principle is the same as with NameCheckr. The difference lies mainly in the number of verified social networks.
Indeed, the NameChk site is very popular because its verification includes more than sixty social networks.
For example, we find the well-known Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, but also less famous ones like SlideShare,, Disqus, and many more.
Instant Username Search
Type your brand name or another nickname. Immediately, a hundred platforms are scanned.
Instant Username Search provides almost real-time availability of the term on a platform-by-platform basis.
Without context, it is a free tool to test.