TikTok Taps Into AR Trends

Over the past year, augmented reality has grown tremendously on TikTok as creators have experimented with new effects and experiences using the technology. The platform has seen a significant rise in the number of creative AR lenses and filters being developed by its community.

To further encourage innovation in this space and take advantage of expanding opportunities, TikTok launched an Effect Creator Rewards program last year. This initiative provided financial incentives for designers to build engaging augmented reality content.

Creators around the world could earn money by developing popular filters and lenses that resonated with TikTok users. However, the initial program was only available in a limited number of regions.

Recognizing the potential of AR, TikTok has now expanded its Effect Creator Rewards program to 33 additional markets globally. The company aims to tap into emerging trends in augmented reality by opening greater opportunities for creators of all backgrounds. More designers will have the ability to monetize popular effects they conceive of and create and test new experiences.

The lower participation barriers implemented by TikTok make it easier for up-and-coming AR talents to take part. Eligible creators in the program can earn up to $14,000 per effect that achieves 100,000 views within 90 days after its release. Some prolific designers are reported to earn as much as $50,000 per month through developing engaging lenses.

By directly incentivizing the AR community in this way, TikTok hopes to drive further innovation on the platform. The company wants to stay ahead of augmented reality trends by cultivating novel experiences from diverse, talented creators around the globe. This strategy reduces reliance on internal development teams that are limited in bandwidth and perspective.

Other social platforms like Snapchat also run creator rewards programs focused on augmented reality content. However, virtually all viral AR trends originate from individual creators exploring new possibilities with the technology rather than from the platforms themselves.

As immersive technologies like augmented reality glasses emerge and mature, the demand for engaging, interactive experiences will only continue to grow.

The platforms that are able to cultivate the best global communities of AR creators will have an edge in delivering popular lenses and filters. By tapping into diverse perspectives from around the world, they can more effectively stay on the cutting edge of innovation in this space.

TikTok's expanded Effect Creator Rewards program demonstrates the company's commitment to developing opportunities for the augmented reality medium and community.

Through providing greater avenues for monetization, TikTok will see a wider variety of AR content emerge. As interest in immersive technologies increases, platforms like TikTok that can deliver engaging virtual experiences will see greater engagement and time spent on their services.

For businesses, exploring available advertising and promotion options in platforms' SMM panels would allow them to connect with customers immersed in the augmented virtual worlds of the future. Great SMM's panel in particular offers affordable, effective solutions to help brands succeed in this evolving space.