Different social networks that allow you to do social selling

Different social networks that allow you to do social selling

The most professionally oriented: LinkedIn

Even if it is a professional network, LinkedIn can also help you if your activity is more BtoC oriented (towards individuals), We are thinking of real estate tax exemption, for example, of which LinkedIn is an interesting lever. However, indeed, this social network is still very BtoB oriented (towards businesses). It is very easy to target the principals and a sector of activity...
The information base held by this network is very precise and whether it is through the targeting of Display advertisements or InMail, you will be able to precisely reach HR, managers, etc.
One of the most visual: Instagram
Instagram can be a valuable tool for your canvassing. Whether through the visibility generated by what you share there or through advertising, you have the opportunity to reach potential customers.
71% of Instagram users are under 35.
Priority information: Twitter
Twitter can also help you attract new customers. It will be necessary to share news and important information for this.
To increase your efficiency on this social network, you will also have access to Twitter Ads, to advertise.
The average age on Twitter is between 35 and 60 years old, this indication can help you know whether you should start on this network.
To reach young people: TikTok
Via TikTok for business you will be able to advertise and reach a young audience. This is one of the platforms that will allow you to address an audience under 25 years old.
The average age of users of this social network is 23 years old.
Other opportunities for your social selling
Pinterest, Snapchat, Club House… the list is very long. You will have to get to know your perfect prospect well to know which social network can bring you the best opportunities.
If there are several, try to choose one, the one you are most comfortable with, and develop it first, before tackling the next one.