The first step for an effective Facebook ad: Frame your objectives

The first step for an effective Facebook ad: Frame your objectives

As in any marketing campaign, as part of a Facebook marketing campaign, it is essential to properly frame its objectives. Do you want sales on your e-commerce site? Views for your video? Visits to points of sale… Then list your target and your personas for each of your Facebook marketing objectives. If your campaigns are aimed at conversion on your site, install the Facebook pixel and configure each of your objectives to have effective monitoring!

The different types of Facebook marketing devices

At the start of the Facebook marketing campaign setup, the algorithm asks you to choose your objective. This choice is crucial because the Facebook algorithm optimizes your distribution according to this objective.
If you choose "interaction", for example, Facebook broadcasts to a category of people most likely to generate engagement (like, comment, share) while if you choose "conversion", the algorithm optimizes displays to people most likely to convert.
Whichever objective you choose, the targeting possibilities are identical. The delivery mode, the delivery network, and the advertising formats for your Facebook marketing campaign differ to adapt to the objective.
Now let’s look at the different types of marketing objectives and their usefulness. To make life easier for advertisers, Facebook has set up 3 main categories of objectives.

Awareness-type Facebook marketing campaign

The first category allows you to reach as many people as possible to publicize your offer and make the target aware of it.
If you opt for “Reach”, the advertisement is displayed to as many people as possible, while if you choose “Brand awareness”, it is shown to the people most likely to be interested!

Consideration type Facebook marketing campaign

This is the category that offers you the most possibilities, let's see them together!
The “Traffic” objective allows you to generate an audience on your site. Perfect for media or audience generation on your blog.
“Interactions” generates 3 types of Facebook interactions. Thanks to this type of campaign, you can either obtain interactions (and therefore visibility) for your Facebook publications or acquire new subscribers for your page or obtain responses to an event.
“App installs”: If you have a mobile app and want to boost downloads on the app store, this is definitely the type of campaign you need!
“Video views”, where the objective is to make a maximum of views for his video. Attention, it is essential to upload your video on Facebook, if you want to generate views on your YouTube video, prefer AdWords campaigns made for that.
“Lead Generation” campaigns allow you to create forms directly on Facebook to acquire qualified leads to be contacted by your sales reps.
Finally, the "Messages" campaigns give you the possibility to refer people to your Facebook Messenger and then engage with them to lead them to your marketing objective. For this objective, you have the possibility of setting up a chatbot to "chew up" the work of salespeople.

Conversions type Facebook marketing campaign

This category is reserved for the most ROI among you! On this subject, see our article ROI marketing: comparing the results of your digital campaigns on Google Analytics. Here the objective is to generate conversions, sales, or visits to the point of sale. On this subject, see our article Facebook campaigns best practices for effective advertising.
The "Conversions" objective requires that you have correctly installed conversion tracking via the Facebook pixel. 2 important tips for this type of campaign:
1: For the optimization algorithm to work best, it is essential to generate a minimum of conversions. There is no number set-in stone but from experience, it is essential to generate at least 6/7 conversions per day for the algorithm to be up to date.
2: If your budget does not allow you to obtain the minimum number of conversions, you can also optimize your campaign on the lower level of conversion. For example, for an e-merchant rather than optimizing on the purchase, optimize on the addition to the basket.
If you have a large product catalog, the “Catalog sales” objective allows you to quickly put your entire catalog online by connecting your product feed.
Finally, “Point of sale visits” encourages people near your point of sale to visit you.