Taylor Swift Music Returns in Small Way to TikTok Despite Ongoing Licensing Dispute

Some of Taylor Swift's tracks have made their way back to the popular video sharing platform TikTok. This comes as a surprise to many as there has been an ongoing licensing dispute between Universal Music Group and TikTok. UMG had pulled their entire music catalog from TikTok back in January after the two parties failed to agree on new licensing terms.

UMG is one of the biggest music producers and owns the rights to many top artists like Adele, Drake, and Taylor Swift. Their decision to remove music had a big impact as TikTok is widely used to discover new songs. However, it seems Taylor Swift herself was able to negotiate a separate deal with TikTok to promote her new album that is set to be released next week. A few of her songs are now available again on the platform.

While this is good news for Swift fans eager to create videos using her music, the rest of UMG's catalog remains unavailable. The music company has accused TikTok of lowballing them in negotiations and not offering a fair deal compared to what other social media platforms provide. They feel TikTok is trying to leverage its power as a driver of music hits. Over 75% of TikTok users reportedly discover new artists through the app.

Given TikTok's influence, it's understandable why they don't want to pay higher licensing fees. However, UMG also wants to make sure its artists are properly compensated for all the streams and promotion that happens on the platform.

As the standoff continues between the two giants, it seems individual artists may make temporary, short term deals like Taylor Swift's to still take advantage of TikTok marketing. But a long term resolution has yet to be found.

For creators who love making videos to Taylor Swift's music, this is good news. But the SMM panel will be keeping an eye on if any other UMG artists follow suit. Only time will tell how long this detente lasts between the music label and the social video app, or if they can eventually come to a broader agreement to get all of UMG's catalog back on TikTok permanently. Until then, fans will have to make do with just a few Taylor Swift songs as they continue their dispute.

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