Meta Updates Boosted Post Purchases to Avoid Apple In-App Fees

Meta Updates Boosted Post Purchases to Avoid Apple In-App Fees

Meta is offering new options for businesses that utilize their boosted post advertising product. In an effort to avoid Apple's upcoming 30% fees on in-app purchases, Meta is now prompting advertisers to purchase boosted posts directly from their desktop website or mobile website instead of through their iOS or Android apps.

Boosted posts allow businesses to boost the reach of individual posts on Facebook and Instagram to gain more visibility and engagement. However, Apple recently announced that any digital purchases made within apps, such as boosting posts, would be subject to their standard 30% fee.

Not wanting to pass these fees directly onto small businesses, Meta is advising advertisers to complete boosted post purchases from their desktop or mobile website instead of in the app.

By purchasing boosts on the website rather than in the app, businesses can avoid paying that 30% fee to Apple. Meta has updated their purchasing processes on desktop and mobile web to allow advertisers to easily select and boost individual posts from Facebook and Instagram without having to log into the app.

For businesses that do choose to boost posts from within the iOS or Android apps, Meta says they will now have to pay for boosts upfront by adding funds to their account in advance rather than being billed later.

This move highlights the ongoing tensions between Meta and Apple regarding in-app purchase fees. Both companies have been disputing these fees for years as they affect how apps like Facebook can monetize features and how much revenue creators and businesses receive.

While avoiding Apple's cut is beneficial for advertisers, it also pushes more traffic to Meta's owned web domains rather than benefiting Apple's platform.

For small businesses that rely on the visibility of boosted posts through their SMM panel, taking advantage of direct desktop and mobile web purchases allows them to stretch their advertising budgets further.

By avoiding Apple's fees, more funds can go towards developing impactful content and expanding reach. Great SMM offers a full-service social media management panel that helps businesses boost posts and grow across platforms in the most cost-effective way. Their team of experts can audit your current strategies or create new campaigns that deliver results.