LinkedIn Posting Strategies That Work in 2024

A recent study from SocialInsider, a platform that provides analytics and publishing tools for LinkedIn, has uncovered valuable insights into the types of posts that tend to see the highest levels of engagement on the professional social network. After analyzing data from their user base, researchers identified the formats driving the most interactions in 2024.

At the top of the engagement leaderboard were multi-image posts. This format allows users to include multiple photos in a single update, replacing the native carousel post option that LinkedIn removed towards the end of last year. By compiling various visual elements into one cohesive update, multi-image posts seem to capture people's attention the most effectively on the platform right now.

The next most engaging type was document uploads, whether it be PDFs, presentations, or other file types. After images and videos, these allowed users to share substantive, informative content while retaining people's interest through to the end. Both of these top two formats provide a more immersive, visually stimulating experience for connections when scrolling through their feeds.

Somewhat surprisingly, the study found that simple link posts - so commonly used by brands, publishers and other pages - were relatively underperforming in terms of average engagement generated. As the world's largest professional network, LinkedIn's priority is to keep users actively engaging within the app rather than sending them off-site. Link-heavy updates may not support this goal as seamlessly as other formats.

To work around this issue, some pages will include the link as part of a comment underneath the initial post instead. Whether this truly enhances performance over just posting the URL directly is still uncertain. Consistent testing is important to determine the approach that resonates best with your target audience on LinkedIn.

When it came to driving shares and further spreading content across the network, video posts came out on top according to the research. With LinkedIn emphasizing this medium more in the coming years through features like LinkedIn Live, opportunities will continue growing for video marketers. However, as all types of pages ramp up their posting activity, competition is inevitably getting stiffer as well.

Overall, engagement is trending up on LinkedIn but so too is the volume of updates flooding the platform each day. For businesses and brands, it's becoming increasingly important to find ways of cutting through the noise with high-quality, share-worthy content that provides genuine value. This is where professional SMM panels can help.

By developing strategic plans, producing fresh and creative content on a consistent basis, and closely monitoring analytics, an SMM panel allows companies to optimize their approach and maximize performance over the long run. Regular testing of different post formats, alongside iterative learning, will also help determine what resonates most with your particular target audience on LinkedIn.

If your organization is looking to uplevel your presence and better connect with clients, partners, and talent on LinkedIn, working with an experienced SMM service can make a big difference. Companies like Great SMM offer tailored LinkedIn marketing packages to help support various business goals. Their dedicated teams of social media managers stay on top of the latest platform and algorithm changes to ensure campaigns remain effective.

By leveraging the expertise of a professional SMM panel, you can save time and resources while supercharging your LinkedIn results. Their integrated services include strategic planning, content development, engagement boosting, and ongoing analytics for continuous optimization.