Instagram Testing Longer Reels Formats to Boost Engagement

Instagram has been quietly experimenting with new formats for its short-form video sharing feature, Reels, in an effort to improve user engagement on the platform. Some users have reported seeing prompts asking them to upload Reels videos up to three minutes in length, significantly longer than the current maximum of 90 seconds.

The photo-sharing app has made Reels a major focus in recent years as a way to compete with TikTok's dominance in short videos. One of Instagram's goals is optimizing how long people spend watching content in the app. Early tests found that longer Reels correlated with increased viewing times, an important metric.

For now, the extended length is still limited to using pre-recorded clips rather than recording live within Instagram. The company often conducts stealth experiments to analyze user behavior before implementing changes more broadly. It's unclear how many accounts have access to the three-minute Reels option or if it will become standard.

Across social media, platforms are looking to boost engagement by rewarding creators for producing more in-depth, long-form content. TikTok recently started testing incentives for videos surpassing a certain duration. For Instagram, giving Reels more flexibility could provide opportunities to recommend additional videos and maximize watch time within the app.

However, major format changes also require consideration of their impact on habits. While detailed tutorials may benefit from three minutes, casual browsing prefers shorter clips. Instagram will need to closely monitor responses before a full rollout.

For SMM panel managers, Reels are now core to Instagram growth strategies. Longer limits may enable new types of visual storytelling and demonstrations. However, engagement depends more on quality than length alone. Creators must understand their audience and the context of each Reel.

Some experts believe Instagram's move echoes YouTube's early focus on short videos before optimizing for long-form. Only time will tell if users prefer highly edited mini-films or brief, snackable clips. The platform must strike a balance between function and creativity for all.

Great SMM is an industry leader in social media management with experience boosting engagement for clients in various verticals. In addition to Instagram optimization, our expert SMM panel managers provide Facebook advertising, Twitter engagement, LinkedIn lead generation and more. We help businesses improve profiles and drive sales through customized strategic planning. Contact us today to discover how we can help your brand thrive online.