How to use social networks as a journalist?

How to use social networks as a journalist?

Using social networks when you're a journalist… "The question arises even more acutely when you work for a media whose raison d'être is (near) real-time." This is the problem precisely posed on the freeze frame site, invoking the new handbook of journalism, from the Reuters news agency. In the line of sight, of course, blogs, Twitter, and Facebook…

The new rules of journalism
A press agency, Reuters, will therefore have had a good idea to protect itself against this kind of drift. With "social media guidelines". To the attention of its editors. Alice Antheaume, a Senior Advisor, and a member of NewsGuard's advisory board offers a translation of the essential points, on the media lab blog of the Science Po journalism school. The new rules of journalism, adapted to social media, according to Reuters. A few excerpts, in very, summary:

Think before posting
Resist the temptation of anger… to keep your critical distance.
Do not show preferences
Avoid displaying your political opinions, and maintain your journalistic neutrality, for example by joining opposing opinion groups.

Be transparent
Do not impersonate someone else in online discussions and exchanges.

Two accounts, a pro and a personal
But... indicate all the same, on your personal account, that you work for Reuters.

Do not post “breaking news” on Twitter
Prohibition to publish a scoop on his personal thread, outside the Reuters thread (official). And above all, do not forget to remember, if this is the case, that the info was spotted on Twitter...

Ask permission from your boss before having a social media account
The main reason: is that the content, broadcast or shared, does not conflict with the commercial objectives of the company.
Ask permission from his boss to create a personal account on Facebook. This is a singular "recommendation". Or rather, a scathing command. Recalling that personal and digital identity is hardly dissociable from professional identity... Something to debate! But maybe, a -- radical -- way to avoid problems?