EU Commission: X's Verification Changes Breach DSA

The European Union Commission has found that X's decision to sell verification ticks is in breach of the EU Digital Services Act (DSA). The Commission has deemed X's "X Premium" subscription package deceptive, as it infringes on DSA regulations. Specifically, the EU Commission has found that the capacity to buy blue ticks has created a new vector for the promotion of misinformation, as the appearance of a checkmark adds legitimacy to an account.

The EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton publicly criticized X's change to its verification system, saying that X's "X Premium" subscription package is deceptive and infringes DSA regulations. The Commission's expanded investigation into X also found that the platform is not in compliance with the DSA requirements on transparency in advertising, as it does not provide a searchable and reliable advertisement repository.

X will now have the opportunity to review the Commission's findings and respond to each point. However, if these initial claims are upheld, X could face fines of up to 6% of its total worldwide revenue, while it could also face eventual expulsion from the EU if it fails to address each element. X owner Elon Musk has come out swinging in the platform's defense, stating that X is looking "forward to a very public battle in court, so that the people of Europe can know the truth."

Musk then went on to claim that the EU Commission "offered X an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us." Musk claims that other social apps accepted this deal, with X being the only platform to oppose what he sees as a censorship plan. Breton denied this, saying that X has been given the opportunity to remedy past issues in order to meet DSA compliance, but there was nothing "secret" about this process.

The case in regards to research access will be more difficult to prove, as the counterclaims relate to ideological perspective. However, X will have at least some strong evidence to refute the EU Commission's findings. As noted, the violations relating to X Premium would also relate to Meta Verified, based on the same principle. Meta Verified is available in some EU member states, and if the argument is that selling verification checkmarks leads to confusion, and creates a potential vector for misinfo, then Meta's in the same boat here.

The technicalities here will matter, and the case will be an interesting test of the EU Commission's new enforcement powers. And if it does indeed go to trial, it could establish new precedent around the sale of verification. X could still opt to change its approach, and remove X Premium from the EU to cover the primary element of the case. But right now at least, Elon Musk is looking to make a stand.

In the meantime, social media marketers are advised to keep a close eye on the developments in this case, as it could have far-reaching implications for how we approach social media marketing. And if you're looking to boost your social media presence, consider using a reliable smm panel to get the job done. With the right tools and strategies, you can increase your online visibility and reach your target audience more effectively.

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