Rather than leaving the group open and freely accessible to anyone who wants to join it, choose to keep your Facebook group closed. In this way, you can easily filter the profiles that wish to enter to ensure that you keep quality exchanges.
To avoid spoiling anything, this technique also helps to reinforce the feeling of belonging and therefore esteem for your brand. It gives a feeling of a privileged place to the members of the group.
Whether they are customers or future customers, they will feel lucky to have been accepted and to join the company's or brand's private group to discuss a topic that appeals to them.
Link the Facebook group to your page
In this way, you will have the possibility of sharing in your group publications coming from your page. You will benefit from the group from the communication work done on the associated page. Members of the group, who are not necessarily subscribed to your page, will have access to it.
Promote your group
Even if you think that your Facebook group has an equivocal name that will allow you to find it in the search bar of the social network, you should not neglect to promote it.
Talk about it on your page, on your site, in forums, and in other groups if the rules allow it.
In this way, you will gradually increase the number of members in your community.
Choose multiple administrators and moderators
You should know that managing a Facebook group is a time-consuming activity, especially when it starts to reach many members.
Validate memberships, delete spam, and check that the debates remain courteous... It is useful to get help to keep a group within with a good dynamic. To do this, choose trusted people or active members of the group that you will appoint as moderators or administrators.
Welcome new members
For them to want to stay, it is important that the members of your group feel good there. So, to start, remember to welcome them on a post. This will allow other members of the group to see the new arrivals and in turn, welcome them. New members will then understand that they are part of a committed community and will naturally want to follow the movement.
Ask them to introduce themselves
It is also an opportunity to ask the newcomers to introduce themselves so that everyone can get to know each other and thus strengthen the cohesion of the group.
Certain affinities can be created and lead to positive group dynamics.
Pin a post with the Facebook group charter
So that everyone can find their way around and become aware of the purpose of the Facebook group and its charter of good practices for joining it, you can create a post that you will pin at the top of the publications.
Thus, it will be permanently visible to remind the group's objective as well as the rules to follow to maintain its quality.
Bring your Facebook Group to life
Once your group is in place, it must be dynamic and encourage interaction to make its members want to engage around the theme and at the same time the brand.
For this, you can create weekly appointments. As you know, regularity is the keyword when it comes to social networks. For example, you can ask each Monday how your members envision the week or offer a motivating quote to which they can react.
Also set up questions, surveys, or even contests to constantly keep the group alive and dynamic.
Delete SPAM
What is more unpleasant than a Facebook group constantly spammed with advertisements such as MLM proposals (multi-level marketing) or barely camouflaged sales pitches?
Be very vigilant and intransigent towards this spam which could have the effect of scaring away your members, tired of this type of practice.
Track Insights
Finally, to be sure to move in the right direction, it is essential to follow the main performance indicators such as reach, membership requests, commitment, or growth.
This data will allow you to adjust the shot if the figures are not convincing or to continue in the same way if they are satisfactory.