6 tips to launch and grow your YouTube channel: YouTube marketing

6 tips to launch and grow your YouTube channel: YouTube marketing

Create a brand account on YouTube

The first thing to do is to create an account on Google, but make sure it’s a brand account. If you open an account in your name, you will be the holder of this account. You will therefore be the only person authorized to access it. By opening a brand account, it will be possible for other "authorized" people to log in, including simultaneously, through their own Google accounts. You don't need a separate username or password. Your account can have multiple owners and administrators.

Target the audience you reach out to on YouTube

"Google Analytics" is an extremely powerful tool that is essential to know and learn to master. Moreover, it is free. It allows you to analyze a large amount of information relating to the activity of your website or, in this case, your channel.
Analytics will allow you to analyze the behavior of Internet users and measure the impact of your web marketing actions. It allows to:
– Know who watched,
– Follow the path of Internet users on your website,
– Know the number of visitors (unique or regular),
– Know what they viewed, what they "clicked" on...

All this information is valuable from a marketing perspective. They allow you to better understand your "audience", to verify the relevance of your assumptions, your actions, and your "images". And to make improvements or modifications if necessary.

Improve the SEO of your YouTube videos

You have created your channel and published your first videos on the web. The problem, it does not jostle at the gate and the number of views turns out to be symbolic. Worse, it stagnates. It's frustrating, but that's usually how it goes. It must be understood that every hour, on YouTube, 30,000 hours of videos are uploaded. Complicated, therefore, to distinguish oneself.
Even if the video is of high quality (it absolutely must be!), that is not enough. You must work on improving the natural referencing of your videos so that it rises in the search results (SERP, Search Engine Result Page) of Google or YouTube.

Plan the creation and distribution of your videos

Failing to have pierced the secret of the ultimate video that will trigger a planetary tsunami of likes, views, and comments for the coming decade, it is better to register your marketing strategy on YouTube in the long term. Plan your shoots and your uploads. Do not start until you have several "in-store" videos.

Advertise or get closer to an influencer?
You need to promote your channel, there are two main options available to you.
Advertise on YouTube and other media: websites, forums, newsletters, and other social platforms. There are multiple formulas in this area, on YouTube, including "Cost per View" solutions. You can also very precisely target the audience that interests you. Be sure to take care of your images and your video content, but also to analyze the results of your campaign, as it unfolds. Advertising goes through Google's advertising network.
Connect with an influencer: An "influencer" is a person who has formed a community, via their blog, Twitter, or even YouTube, some have millions of people. Brands, therefore, call on them to make themselves known or promote their products. Some are well paid, some are not. It is therefore not necessarily a question of money, the " feeling " must pass, a "common" project. Hence the importance, for you, of being active within the community. Act, react, interact.