One of the most important tips for gaining followers on Instagram is to post unique and creative content. Instagram has numerous features that allow you to post video and other content that is relevant to your audience. You should also create content that your followers will enjoy seeing and engage with. You will soon learn what content performs best and what does not.
Aside from posting interesting content, you should also make sure your Instagram account is optimized for a fruitful followership. This means ensuring your feed and posts are of the highest quality possible. Additionally, make use of Instagram stories and Instagram Reels for short-lived content. You can also host live tutorials and AMAs using these tools.
Another way to increase your Instagram followers is to participate in the communities you're already part of. Be an active member of your community and comment on other accounts. Make comments that add value to other people's lives and promote your brand. This will get you a higher follow-back rate.
Make sure that your Instagram bio contains information about your brand. Include your name, what you do, and a hint of personality. You should also use a link tree in your Instagram bio so that followers can go straight to your website without leaving Instagram. You can even link to your Instagram Stories!
Another great way to increase your Instagram followers is to collaborate with other brands. You can do this by collaborating with businesses you already collaborate with offline. For example, if your business works with a popular company, you can contact them and ask them to do the same for your brand. You could also host a contest and have multiple brands participate in it.
Another effective way to attract Instagram followers is to host events. Events provide a unique photo opportunity and strengthens your connection with the community. Organizing events at your locality will also attract local customers and increase your Instagram following. Additionally, Instagram paid advertising is a great way to broaden your reach. It allows you to advertise to people who share your interests and are similar to your ideal customers.
Another important tip is to include hashtags in your posts. Hashtags help connect conversations between other Instagram users. If your posts contain hashtags that are relevant to your brand, your posts will be more visible and be more likely to gain more exposure. However, when using hashtags, you should be selective and sparing. Try to limit the number of hashtags you use per post to three. Also, try to avoid "like for like" hashtags, as this practice tends to attract low quality followers.
Using hashtags on Instagram can help you get more followers on Instagram. They help people discover your posts and get followers by following them. Although Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags on your posts, using only a handful of them will provide maximum engagement. Instead, focus on targeting hashtags that are relevant to your audience.